About Town Properties L.A.

Property Management, Construction, Maintenance

P.O. Box 1904, Hollywood, CA 90078-1904

La Casa de Galicia
La Casa de Galicia is a 5-Unit, Spanish stucco style apartment building located in the Echo Park area of Los Angeles. Since October of 2001, the property has received significant ongoing remodeling and capital improvements until present. Selected upgrades to mention consist of seismic retrofit, construction of a permited second floor deck, electrical service upgrades, copper re-pipe, and site improvements including palm trees, garden, and irrigation system.
The property is professionally "hands-on" managed with the goal to assure the success of the property by understanding the needs and interrests of the residents as well as future occupants and by projecting the future of the asset in the market place.

The Property, Casa de Galicia is established within a unique market place of Los Angeles with limited competition. Our tenant screening is vital and the selection of quality residents dictates the ability to maintain a safe, profetional, and cheery atmosphere. And high levels of maintenance contribute to this concept.

Our construction background strengthens the hands-on aspects of property management with regards to maintenance, “Make Readies”, and complete remodels. Manegement supervises cooper re-pipes, electrical service upgrades, installation of central air-conditioning, as well as IT systems coordination (phone, internet, TV). Value engineering tactics are continually employed in order to assure the appropriate result is achieved without any unnecessary waste. Town Properties has knowledge of FHA and ADA guidelines, Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO), and the Systematic Code Enforcement Program (SCEP) as well as other Federal mandates including Lead Based Paint (LBP) mediation and mold prevention. We have hands-on experience during Los Angeles Housing Department and Building & Safety Department inspections.

Town Properties has been a member of the Southern California Apartment Owners Association (AOA) since 2001.

Ph: (818) 640-6673 / Fax: (213) 386-1753 / E-Mail: townproperties@yahoo.com